.. Bounty. Enjoy the moment, not the mess! ..

Thanks to Bounty &  Kristin Cavallari we were able to enjoy the moment & forget about the mess at their  Messy But Memorable Birthday Bash event. Cake decorating, finger painting, dying some Bounty made flowers & some cake smashing didn't phase our fun especially with Bounty on hand to clean up the messes!

As a mother to a very creative & curious toddler there's not a day that goes by where a mess is not made, and when accidents happen we tend to worry about the mess & not enjoy the moment with our child. (Not necessarily the mess but the experience)  Guilty of such behavior I was reminded at the event that memories last more than the mess! (Plus I will always have Bounty nearby so the mess will be cleaned up easy & fast!) 

As parents we encounter messes every day, but thankfully Bounty is 2x more absorbent vs. the leading ordinary brand, and one Bounty roll can last 50% longer.  So weather it be your child's first finger paint, baking a cake for the bake sale, or if you have any pets in your household (that's a whole other set of messes!) Just have Bounty nearby & remember to enjoy the moment, not the mess!

Bounty, the Quicker Picker Upper offers a variety of its wonderful product including cool prints, select a size, dura towel & one of my faves Bounty with dawn!! Thumbs up for Bounty for cleaning messes easy & fast! And for giving us mommies the chance to enjoy those messy yet wonderful moments with our kids! 

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