In this house we love to decorate!!! Like its a complete understatement to just say love, we have absolutely turned our household into all types of scenarios for each holiday.
But by far Halloween is by far our top favorite one to set up for.
I did love to decorate before my little one was born but the fact that her love is just as intense as mine (maybe even a more, Lol) is a plus! And that my husband also shares our passion is awesome!
So between the three of us we brainstorm what theme will we base our decor on. For this years halloween we decided on Spiders!!! Spiders were gonna be our main focus for the theme. We incorporated other elements of traditional halloween like pumpkins and witches here and there but webs & spiders were definitely the spot light.
The front door is our favorite to do, not only do we get to enjoy some major halloween decor but our neighbors have now become eager to see what we will have up. To be able to share our creation with them is super awesome!
We gathered our supplies for the main piece, which was going to be in placed on our front door.
This year we had the idea for displaying a "Spiders Prey" which would be a life sized prey wrapped in tangled in a spiders web.
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Our friend's name was Fred! Poor Fred got caught! |
We DIY'd Fred, we couldn't find anything that met what we had in mind so we just made him.
I will list below what materials we used for Fred below.
To make Fred we used:
1) A hooded sweater and Pants (that you won't miss while the duration that your Fred will be hanging on your door.)
2) Something you can stuff your pair of pants & sweater ( We used plastic bags.)
3) White garbage bags ( To wrap Fred's entire body with.)
4) Spider web (Which you can find literally in any store during halloween season.)
5) A giant Spider (Purchased at Target)
6) Assorted bag of Baby spiders (Which also can be found in any store during halloween season.)
For Fred's head we just stuffed the hoodie part of the sweater till we acquired the shape and size we wanted. Once we had finished Fred we went on to wrap his body with the white garbage bags, tape them down to keep them together and lastly wrap him up with web.
Once he was wrapped we proceeded to hang him on the door (my husband screwed him on through remaining piece of fabric from pants & bag to back of out door.) Fred was ready for us to add more web so the baby spiders could easily be placed around him and web. Then as a final touch we added momma spider!!!
We had so much putting this together and are already brewing up some ideas for next year's theme!
Do you have any suggestions?
Hope this season is filled with some good ole halloween fun for you all!!
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