A child's social and emotional development is essential through out their life, it is important for them to learn how to identify and manage their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. The understanding of their feelings can have a life long effect on their behavior, physical & emotional well-being, school success and relationships.
Sometimes we only help kids understand the feeling of happiness, accomplishment and love but what about sadness, fear, and anger. All of the above moods are natural to one as adult but to a young child they are as well. As parents we can be somewhat protective, normally we only wish our child to feel happiness and a sense of accomplishment and sometimes try to hide that feeling of sadness and fear from them.
As parents we are their guide, the person they come to for help and sometimes we might not know how to explain to them in a way they will fully understand. Thankfully for this (when dealing with feelings) there is help, help that comes in the form of The Moodsters!
The Moodsters are 5 lovable little detectives who use their skills to help their friends when they have a feelings emergency. Lolly (Love), Snorf (Sad), Coz (Happy), Razzy (Angry) and Quigly (Afraid) personify basic emotions that all children experience in their everyday lives. Along with The Moodsters and their tools like the Moodster Meter, Moodster Mirror, Moodster Feelings Flashlight and the Feelings notebook & Feelings crayons your kids can express what mood they are in. Each tool is designed to help them communicate and understand their mood with ease. The Moodster mirror for example helps them make a connection between feelings on the inside and the facial expressions that are associated with that feeling.
Make sure you check out The Moodsters for a more depth look into their products but as well as the tools they offer parents. With the help of The Moodsters and you (Parent/s) your kid/s will be able to share and understand their feelings.